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Имея велосипед, им необходимо пользоваться. Давно уже напрашивалась дальняя поездка, и вот она состоялась.


Ровно в 9:00 команда стартанула.

Коллектив большой, это оказалось имеет и плюсы и минусы. Плюс тот, что на дорогах водители авто к нам относились уважительно. Трудно не уважать колонну расстянувшуюся на полкилометра. Минусы - разношерстная группа с разным уровнем подготовки, потребности в долгих перекусах и поджиданиях отставших.

Конечно, устали здорово. Но впечатления того стоят! При случае поедем еще и еще раз!

И на последок. Какой только техники мы там не несмотрелись у "лосей" и "веломаньяков". Но меня больше всего приколол шлем одного участника, который другие гонщики могут использовать как зеркало заднего вида!
24.02.2024 15:22
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24.02.2024 15:32
The meal went without incident although a couple of times she had to avert her gaze from Dan for fear of bursting out laughing. Dan went up to his room saying he wanted to listen to music, he laid on his bed playing with himself waiting for his father to leave. He thought about the events of the last two weeks it had been the craziest time of his life.

He put it all down to Mary Harris, she had been his girlfriend for two years, he liked her a lot, she was pretty and intelligent two things that rarely combined in his experience, the problem was she steadfastly refused to let him put his cock inside her, he had thought he was getting somewhere when he took his cock out that evening in the cinema when she had finally allowed him to get his hand inside her panties, it was the first time she had allowed him to do any more than play with her tits. He had taken her hand and placed it on his erection, initially he had been pleased to hear her sharp intake of breath when she felt the size of him and he was encouraged when she began stroking him.

It was later that the problem started, he had her in the car park, they were kissing, her sweater was pushed up together with her bra and he was sucking on her nipples. He managed to get her laid across the front of one of the cars, his hand up her skirt, trying to pull down her panties. That was when she had stopped him.
24.02.2024 15:32
The meal went without incident although a couple of times she had to avert her gaze from Dan for fear of bursting out laughing. Dan went up to his room saying he wanted to listen to music, he laid on his bed playing with himself waiting for his father to leave. He thought about the events of the last two weeks it had been the craziest time of his life.

He put it all down to Mary Harris, she had been his girlfriend for two years, he liked her a lot, she was pretty and intelligent two things that rarely combined in his experience, the problem was she steadfastly refused to let him put his cock inside her, he had thought he was getting somewhere when he took his cock out that evening in the cinema when she had finally allowed him to get his hand inside her panties, it was the first time she had allowed him to do any more than play with her tits. He had taken her hand and placed it on his erection, initially he had been pleased to hear her sharp intake of breath when she felt the size of him and he was encouraged when she began stroking him.

It was later that the problem started, he had her in the car park, they were kissing, her sweater was pushed up together with her bra and he was sucking on her nipples. He managed to get her laid across the front of one of the cars, his hand up her skirt, trying to pull down her panties. That was when she had stopped him.
24.02.2024 15:34
The meal went without incident although a couple of times she had to avert her gaze from Dan for fear of bursting out laughing. Dan went up to his room saying he wanted to listen to music, he laid on his bed playing with himself waiting for his father to leave. He thought about the events of the last two weeks it had been the craziest time of his life.

He put it all down to Mary Harris, she had been his girlfriend for two years, he liked her a lot, she was pretty and intelligent two things that rarely combined in his experience, the problem was she steadfastly refused to let him put his cock inside her, he had thought he was getting somewhere when he took his cock out that evening in the cinema when she had finally allowed him to get his hand inside her panties, it was the first time she had allowed him to do any more than play with her tits. He had taken her hand and placed it on his erection, initially he had been pleased to hear her sharp intake of breath when she felt the size of him and he was encouraged when she began stroking him.

It was later that the problem started, he had her in the car park, they were kissing, her sweater was pushed up together with her bra and he was sucking on her nipples. He managed to get her laid across the front of one of the cars, his hand up her skirt, trying to pull down her panties. That was when she had stopped him.
24.02.2024 15:34
The meal went without incident although a couple of times she had to avert her gaze from Dan for fear of bursting out laughing. Dan went up to his room saying he wanted to listen to music, he laid on his bed playing with himself waiting for his father to leave. He thought about the events of the last two weeks it had been the craziest time of his life.

He put it all down to Mary Harris, she had been his girlfriend for two years, he liked her a lot, she was pretty and intelligent two things that rarely combined in his experience, the problem was she steadfastly refused to let him put his cock inside her, he had thought he was getting somewhere when he took his cock out that evening in the cinema when she had finally allowed him to get his hand inside her panties, it was the first time she had allowed him to do any more than play with her tits. He had taken her hand and placed it on his erection, initially he had been pleased to hear her sharp intake of breath when she felt the size of him and he was encouraged when she began stroking him.

It was later that the problem started, he had her in the car park, they were kissing, her sweater was pushed up together with her bra and he was sucking on her nipples. He managed to get her laid across the front of one of the cars, his hand up her skirt, trying to pull down her panties. That was when she had stopped him.
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24.02.2024 16:33
The meal went without incident although a couple of times she had to avert her gaze from Dan for fear of bursting out laughing. Dan went up to his room saying he wanted to listen to music, he laid on his bed playing with himself waiting for his father to leave. He thought about the events of the last two weeks it had been the craziest time of his life.

He put it all down to Mary Harris, she had been his girlfriend for two years, he liked her a lot, she was pretty and intelligent two things that rarely combined in his experience, the problem was she steadfastly refused to let him put his cock inside her, he had thought he was getting somewhere when he took his cock out that evening in the cinema when she had finally allowed him to get his hand inside her panties, it was the first time she had allowed him to do any more than play with her tits. He had taken her hand and placed it on his erection, initially he had been pleased to hear her sharp intake of breath when she felt the size of him and he was encouraged when she began stroking him.

It was later that the problem started, he had her in the car park, they were kissing, her sweater was pushed up together with her bra and he was sucking on her nipples. He managed to get her laid across the front of one of the cars, his hand up her skirt, trying to pull down her panties. That was when she had stopped him.
24.02.2024 16:33
The meal went without incident although a couple of times she had to avert her gaze from Dan for fear of bursting out laughing. Dan went up to his room saying he wanted to listen to music, he laid on his bed playing with himself waiting for his father to leave. He thought about the events of the last two weeks it had been the craziest time of his life.

He put it all down to Mary Harris, she had been his girlfriend for two years, he liked her a lot, she was pretty and intelligent two things that rarely combined in his experience, the problem was she steadfastly refused to let him put his cock inside her, he had thought he was getting somewhere when he took his cock out that evening in the cinema when she had finally allowed him to get his hand inside her panties, it was the first time she had allowed him to do any more than play with her tits. He had taken her hand and placed it on his erection, initially he had been pleased to hear her sharp intake of breath when she felt the size of him and he was encouraged when she began stroking him.

It was later that the problem started, he had her in the car park, they were kissing, her sweater was pushed up together with her bra and he was sucking on her nipples. He managed to get her laid across the front of one of the cars, his hand up her skirt, trying to pull down her panties. That was when she had stopped him.
24.02.2024 16:33
The meal went without incident although a couple of times she had to avert her gaze from Dan for fear of bursting out laughing. Dan went up to his room saying he wanted to listen to music, he laid on his bed playing with himself waiting for his father to leave. He thought about the events of the last two weeks it had been the craziest time of his life.

He put it all down to Mary Harris, she had been his girlfriend for two years, he liked her a lot, she was pretty and intelligent two things that rarely combined in his experience, the problem was she steadfastly refused to let him put his cock inside her, he had thought he was getting somewhere when he took his cock out that evening in the cinema when she had finally allowed him to get his hand inside her panties, it was the first time she had allowed him to do any more than play with her tits. He had taken her hand and placed it on his erection, initially he had been pleased to hear her sharp intake of breath when she felt the size of him and he was encouraged when she began stroking him.

It was later that the problem started, he had her in the car park, they were kissing, her sweater was pushed up together with her bra and he was sucking on her nipples. He managed to get her laid across the front of one of the cars, his hand up her skirt, trying to pull down her panties. That was when she had stopped him.
24.02.2024 16:35
The meal went without incident although a couple of times she had to avert her gaze from Dan for fear of bursting out laughing. Dan went up to his room saying he wanted to listen to music, he laid on his bed playing with himself waiting for his father to leave. He thought about the events of the last two weeks it had been the craziest time of his life.

He put it all down to Mary Harris, she had been his girlfriend for two years, he liked her a lot, she was pretty and intelligent two things that rarely combined in his experience, the problem was she steadfastly refused to let him put his cock inside her, he had thought he was getting somewhere when he took his cock out that evening in the cinema when she had finally allowed him to get his hand inside her panties, it was the first time she had allowed him to do any more than play with her tits. He had taken her hand and placed it on his erection, initially he had been pleased to hear her sharp intake of breath when she felt the size of him and he was encouraged when she began stroking him.

It was later that the problem started, he had her in the car park, they were kissing, her sweater was pushed up together with her bra and he was sucking on her nipples. He managed to get her laid across the front of one of the cars, his hand up her skirt, trying to pull down her panties. That was when she had stopped him.
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24.02.2024 17:20
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Представляем вашему вниманию Candy Blast Fever:Cubes Puzzle на Андроид от популярного разработчика.
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3. Популярность - по состоянию на сегодня она составляет 81791965, о популярности приложения красноречиво указывает сумма запусков, внесите свой вклад в популярность.
4. Дата обновления - на портале добавлена версия приложения от 19.12.23 - загрузите приложение, если вы установили старую версию.
Программа выполняет свою основную функцию, помогает вам в решеннии поставленных задач и экономит ваше время. Главное отличие Candy Blast Fever:Cubes Puzzle - Полная версия - вспомогательные перспективы, которые оптимизируют программный процесс, а вам не нужно тратить много времени. Что касается графики, то все на замечательном уровне, точно так же, как и мелодии. Вам решать - использовать обычную версию или установить МОД. Не забывайте открывать наш сайт для обновления отличных приложений.

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