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Auction house withdraws shrunken heads and other human remains from sale following outcry
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An auction house in England has withdrawn human remains, including shrunken heads and ancestral skulls, from sale following an outcry.

The Swan auction house in Tetsworth, Oxfordshire withdrew more than two dozen lots from an upcoming auction titled “The Curious Collector Sale,” including an 18th-century Tsantsa shrunken head, which was expected to fetch ?20,000-?25,000 ($26,000-$33,00­0) and was previously owned by Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine.

Other withdrawn lots include an ancestral skull from the Solomon Islands, another from the Fon tribe in Benin and a double ancestor skull from Congo.

The planned sale of another piece, described as a 19th-century horned Naga human skull, drew criticism from Neiphiu Rio, Chief Minister of the Indian state of Nagaland.
Rio wrote to India’s External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, asking him to intervene “to ensure that the auction of the human remains of our people is halted.”

In his letter, Rio said he had been informed about the auction by the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), a grouping of organizations that works to reconcile different Naga political groups, some of which have engaged in armed struggle for independence from India in recent decades.

In its letter to Rio, the FNR said it “condemns this inhumane and violent practice where indigenous ancestral human remains continue to be collector’s items.”

“Such auctions continue the policy of dehumanization and colonial violence on the Naga people,” it added.

Another of those to criticize the planned sale was Laura Van Broekhoven, director of the Pitt Rivers Museum, which is part of the University of Oxford.

“Please, immediately pull from tomorrow’s auction the human and ancestral remains of Naga, Shuar, Dayak, Kota, Fon, Vili people and other communities in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Nigeria, Congo, Ecuador, Nagaland, Benin,” she wrote in a post on X on Tuesday.
21.10.2024 23:45
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22.10.2024 0:19
Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure
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A Thai crocodile farmer who goes by the nickname “Crocodile X” said he killed more than 100 critically endangered reptiles to prevent them from escaping after a typhoon damaged their enclosure.

Natthapak Khumkad, 37, who runs a crocodile farm in Lamphun, northern Thailand, said he scrambled to find his Siamese crocodiles a new home when he noticed a wall securing their enclosure was at risk of collapsing. But nowhere was large or secure enough to hold the crocodiles, some of which were up to 4 meters (13 feet) long.

To stop the crocodiles from getting loose into the local community, Natthapak said, he put 125 of them down on September 22.

“I had to make the most difficult decision of my life to kill them all,” he told CNN. “My family and I discussed if the wall collapsed the damage to people’s lives would be far bigger than we can control. It would involve people’s lives and public safety.”
Typhoon Yagi, Asia’s most powerful storm this year, swept across southern China and Southeast Asia this month, leaving a trail of destruction with its intense rainfall and powerful winds. Downpours inundated Thailand’s north, submerging homes and riverside villages, killing at least nine people.

Storms like Yagi are “getting stronger due to climate change, primarily because warmer ocean waters provide more energy to fuel the storms, leading to increased wind speeds and heavier rainfall,” said Benjamin Horton, director of the Earth Observatory of Singapore.

Natural disasters, including typhoons, pose a range of threats to wildlife, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Flooding can leave animals stranded, in danger of drowning, or separated from their owners or families.

Rain and strong winds can also severely damage habitats and animal shelters. In 2022, Hurricane Ian hit Florida and destroyed the Little Bear Sanctuary in Punta Gorda, leaving 200 animals, including cows, horses, donkeys, pigs and birds without shelter.

The risk of natural disasters to animals is only increasing as human-caused climate change makes extreme weather events more frequent and volatile.